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The Barbara Bush Library Friends
"...learning never ends, and as we enter the next century, it will be more and 
more important for all Americans to be lifelong learners...every one of us can 
contribute in some way to a better-educated America."  - Barbara Bush



The Cypress Creek Library (now the Barbara Bush Branch @ Cypress Creek) has the distinction of having started the first literacy tutoring program in the Harris County Public Library system. It has helped many adults who are struggling to learn to read, or to learn to read in English when they speak another primary language. Steve Zach, the Harris County Literacy Coordinator, manages the program for Harris County with the assistance of Reference Assistant, Nancy Pearsall at Barbara Bush Branch Library.  As the population in the Spring-North Harris county area grows, additional volunteer help is urgently needed.

After completing the workshop volunteers can be matched with an adult at Barbara Bush Branch Library, Northwest Branch Library or Tomball Branch Library to help the student improve basic English skills.

If you have the time and interest to devote to this meaningful volunteer work that makes a difference in the lives of so many people, please come by the library or call Nancy Pearsall at 281-376-4610 register for tutor training. 

You need not speak another language or have teaching experience. At the workshop we will introduce you to teaching techniques and materials which will allow you to communicate with non-English speaking students. Lessons focus on basic reading, writing and spoken English and navigating our cultural differences.

The library provides materials for these lessons as well as other resources for tutors and students. After training you will be matched with a student or a small group of students meeting at the library at a mutually convenient time.

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The Barbara Bush Library Friends - Last Updated On 10/27/2009 02:57 PM
Comments, Concerns, Or Questions?  webmaster1@bbushlibraryfriends.org