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The Barbara Bush Library Friends
"...learning never ends, and as we enter the next century, it will be more and 
more important for all Americans to be lifelong learners...every one of us can 
contribute in some way to a better-educated America."  - Barbara Bush

"Senior Movie Mornings" Starts in January

Starting in January 2010 the library will present a "Senior Movie Morning" on the first Thursday of each month. The movie to be shown this month is from 1949 and stars Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, and Judy Holliday. It is a comedy which tells the story of a husband and wife lawyer team who clash when the wife defends a woman on trial for shooting her spouse. The lawyer-husband is the prosecutor. Come and join us for a look back at a classic on Thursday, January 7 at 10:00 AM. The library is located at 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring


Workforce Solution Jobs Seminars at the Library

Workforce Solutions will present a free workshop at the Barbara Bush Branch in January. The library is located at 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring. Call 281-376-4610 for more information. No registration required.

Rebranding Your Skills: January 21, 2010 1:30-3:30 PM 
"Expand your job search prospects by rebranding your skills. This workshop will teach you to identify the skills you have gained in the past and present them in away that catches the attention of employers so you can move into a new job or even a new industry."


Reader's Advisory Database Demo - January 15 @ 11:00 AM

Read everything by your favorite author? Looking to discover new authors you might like? Trying to remember that book you read and enjoyed last year but don't recall the author or the exact title?

Come see how to use Novelist, one of our licensed subscription databases, at our monthly Database Demos presentation to be held Friday January 15, 2010 at 11 AM, in our second floor Barbara Bush Library Friends computer lab.

Come to Database Demos, a monthly series that demonstrates a different database or subject area each month and find out how to get the most out of each of these HCPL databases & Internet sites. Database Demo presented by Margaret A. Davis, Reference Librarian. Individual groups (e. g. clubs) may call the Barbara Bush Branch Library at 281-376-4610 to schedule a Database Demo presentation just for their group. The library is located at 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring

Art from Maria Duprey - 2nd floor Art Alcove

Maria Duprey, a local artist, was born in Bronx, New York. She grew up in an artistic family and ventured from music to stories, including the art of painting and drawing. In 1995 she was awarded "Castle Point Winner" for the mural she painted for the VA Medical Center, Castle Point, when working there as a Nursing Assistant. In 2002 she moved with her husband to Puerto Rico where she became involved in various exhibitions and established herself as an emerging artist.

In April of 2008 Maria was awarded the "Best-in-Show" and made first-place in "oil and acrylics" in the Community Art show in Newburgh, NY. In 2009, the East End Art Guild chose 55 artists out of 195 participants to exhibit in the EEAG Tenth Annual Juried Show in January and Maria was included.

Today Maria continues to paint and draw in her home in Spring. Although her artwork consists of abstract expressionism, charcoal drawing, art deco, conceptual art, and portrait & land, she favors abstract impressionism the most. Ms. Duprey's art will be on exhibit in the 2nd floor Art Alcove during the month of January. The library is located at 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring

Antique Clock Display in Lobby Showcase

Robert (Bob) Kleeman has always shown an interest in making and repairing things. He built model airplanes as a teenager. In preparation for retirement, he moved on to making clocks. He bought a few beginner clock repair handbooks, joined a local clock club, and started expanding his skills. 

Bob has been repairing clocks for almost 20 years now and still gets great satisfaction from restoring a timepiece to its original working condition. He has repaired all types and all ages of clocks, the oldest ones being from the mid 1800's. He found those clocks amazingly well designed and manufactured. He finds it satisfying that these clocks will be around hundreds of years from now. The library is located at 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring

Knowledge Exchange - Inter-generational Program 

This program features knitting, crocheting and sharing. All ages are welcome. Every Friday all year round 2:30-4:30 PM.  Please come by 4:00 PM if you are a first-time knitter.  The program will be in the Earl Elliott Room of the library. Call 281-376-4610 and ask for Shawn or Val for more information.


Memories of the Home Front

In June 2005, representatives of the Barbara Bush Library Friends, as well as, Reference Librarian, Valerie Sandham, and Children's Assistant, Shawn Howes, were present at the Atria-Cypresswood to accept the donation of two copies of Memories of the Home Front. This special book was published by Atria Senior Living Group and is a compilation of the stories of Atria residents across the United States in 135 communities. The book recognizes the home front effort of women during World War II while the men were overseas. According to the book's cover, "This book celebrates the lives of heroes. It offers a unique reflection on the lives of women who were called to action on the home front and supported their families, led their communities, and strengthened the country."

Debbie Flynn, the Engaged Living Director, at the Atria-Cypresswood, was instrumental in gathering the memories of local residents, Bonnie Pyle, Shirley Moreland, Ethel Lawrence, Jean Alloway, De Alva McAnnally, Edith Tolley, Loubeth Hames, Inice Keltner, Lucille Johnson, Gladys Knight, Pauline Morrow, and Grace Bohn. Each of these women tell special stories of the changes in their lives and the sacrifices they made for the war and their loved ones. The stories are full of humor and insight.

The library is proud to have been chosen as the recipient of this valuable resource.


Circulation in the new library has more than doubled

The average number of items in circulation per month at the old Cypress Creek Library in 2002 was 30,573; in 2003, in the new library it has bloomed to 62,000 items. Circulation in June was expected to increase to 90,000+ items.

Barbara Bush attends Library Dedication February 7, 2003

Yes! Barbara Bush was here and everyone loved her as she joked and talked to the donors of the Barbara Bush Library. What a great honor to have her here. As she toured the facility, she was very impressed with the size and the substance of our new library. 

Dedication day began early with Bob Kruckemeyer, our detail man, directing the set up of the ribbon cutting platform, the sound system, the choreography of Mrs. Bush's entrance and exit, and the Friends responsibilities. Secret Service and officers from Constable Ron Hickman's office checked and secured the building while bomb-sniffing dog nosed his way through the library. This was not an ordinary day for a library, but necessary for the arrival of a former First Lady.

Security being satisfied, the doors opened for the arriving donors. They were treated to a buffet of wonderful food supplied by Ral's Fine Catering, Suzanne's European Restaurant and Bakery, Rockfish Seafood Grill, and R. J. Goodies. Floral decorations were supplied by Wildflower Florist and the The Market in Champion's Village. The Don Bateman Trio provide music as donors browsed, chatted and  sampled while waiting for Mrs. Bush to appear.

She made her entrance on the second floor of the library through the crowd of donors accompanied by the Secret Service as well as BBLF President, Marlena Powers, commissioner  Jerry Eversole, Judge Robert Eckels, and County Librarian, Cathy Park. "Are these all donors?" she asked, surprised to see so many people waiting for her.

After remarks from Marlena Powers, Commissioner Eversole, Cathy Park and Judge Eckels, Mrs. Bush spoke to the crowd. "They asked me before you-know-who became President - you know that don't you?" she said, referring to the use of her name for the library. "I know perfectly well why you named it after me. I married well and I birthed well!" The audience chuckled.

She related stories of other things being named after her. Once a young girl named a heifer after her and entered it in a rodeo. Mrs. Bush was glad it only came in eighth. She also talked of the enrichment that a library provides to everyone who enters. She told of the excitement of one little boy on his first visit to the library. "Wow! All these books and something written in every single one." Then she thanked the donors and said, "To each and every one of you that worked to get this library open, you have given to every single member of this community, especially the children. I'm particularly proud to have my name as a part of it. Never has anyone been as honored as I have to have a beautiful library - all my own!"

The ribbon-cutting followed the donor reception on the front steps of the library. She graciously spoke to the crowd outside, encouraging them to use and support the library.

The Friends are so honored by her presence and her interest in this library. We have already received new books from Mrs. Bush to be added to our collection. Thank you, Barbara Bush, for your life long dedication to the importance of reading. And thank you for allowing us to use your name for this wonderful library.

To become a contributor to the Collection, click here.

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The Barbara Bush Library Friends - Last Updated On 12/28/2009 05:31 PM
Comments, Concerns, Or Questions?  webmaster1@bbushlibraryfriends.org